Not permitted on the golf course or in the clubhouse at any time: Sleeveless shirts (not designed for golf) vests and football or rugby tops; Mga-media Golf Austria - Home Facebook Midriffs are not to be exposed. Lookaway golf club dress code . Dress sandals for both men and women are permitted in the outdoor service areas of. The dress code applies to everyone of all ages while on the golf course or practice areas. Tracksuits (tops or bottoms) running / training shoes. For men and boys, all shirts must have a collar and should be tucked in at all times. Men may wear long or short socks with golf shorts. Clubs need to relax rules on golf dress codes if they are going to keep juniors interested in the game, reckons paul lawrie. We're in the middle of a pandemic and you're still arguing about dress codes? The dress code in the clubhouse does not apply to children under 10 years of age. Dress code members, visitors and guests are requested to adhere to the c...